Here are a couple of photos from our grand opening party:

This is one of the most popular seats in the house. Two rocking chairs at the small table in the window, well decorated with our favorite lamp and a live orchid. We got this lamp for free in a deal for some used restaurant chairs. At first we weren't sure about it. Then Mike suggested we use it as a kind of central decorative theme. It has kind of become that, and does well to draw people in from the street.

And here's a beauty shot of our chalk board menu. We painted this cool chalk board paint directly onto the wall, and a friend put up the menu for us, with this beautiful printing. Jacks and Ai could never make it look like that. Now we are trying to figure out what to do with this space though. Our innitial plan was to have a counter service style restaurant. But somehow that just didn't suit the place. It turns out to be a place where people hang out more, which we love. But hanging out and standing in a line at the bar every time you want to get another coffee or order more food just don't go together. So Bandidas has officially become a table service restaurant. Lucky Ai--I finally get to learn how to wait tables. It's so much easier to learn when I only have myself and Jacks to answer to. . . Anyway, I digress. Since we have become table service. We have moved to laminated paper menus at the tables. Now the question becomes what to do with this chalk board space. We like it, but the menu doesn't need to be on the wall. Should we paint over it in white to match the rest of the walls and pretend it never happened? Should we write a note to the people up there? Should we just post our drink and dessert menu there? Hmm. Any ideas?