Sunday, January 11, 2009


We are open, and the first week has been a real success. We have had amazing support from friends and community members coming to check out our restaurant--bringing friends for dinner, spreading the word. We have also seen lots of new faces--people from the neighborhood who have watched us preparing to open. Friday night the restaurant was totally full with a line at the bar for hours. It feels so good to hear the sounds of people eating and laughing and talking in this space we have created.
Now to work out the kinks. Step one: hire more staff, or schedule our current staff for more hours. Step two: Jacks and Ai take a tiny bit of time off--at least a few hours to sleep or something.
Pictures will come soon, we promise. For now bear with us while we get our feet on the ground.


  1. You guys are heros! You guys are amazing! I wanna come to Vancouver and eat a Bandidas meal and drink Bandidas beer and hear Bandidas music and enjoy the Bandidas people!


  2. dawn and i are super excited this is working out for you both.

    a certain someone said she would apply to work for you both...

    talk to ty about what happens if you work all the time for months on end trying to set your dream up. he waited too long to take his first day off... you both deserve at least one day off each!

  3. Woo hooo. We took a day off each this week. It was harder on Jacks than on me, because she got slammed when I wasn't there to help, and I had a pretty quiet night for her day off. But wow to I feel better after sleeping for 12 hours and not going in to work. My feet seem to be recovering from the pain of too much standing. Twelve hour days--minimum-- can start to wear on you I guess. We are pro days off.

  4. Congratulations Jackie and Aiyana. I am planning to get the entire staff at EAS over to your restaurant, soon!

